Visual Explanation of Exercises included in the AECOPD-Mob tool

Bed Based Strenghthening

Bench press

Bench press (Small)

Knee extension

Knee extention (Small)
Hip/Ab adduction

Hip adduction (Small)

Inner range quads

Inner range quads - start (Small)


Bridging (Small)

Side lying to sitting

Side lying to sitting (Small)

Heel drag

Heel drag (Small)

Bed Based Flexibility

Ankle inversion / eversion

Ankle inversion (Small)

Ankle pump

IMG_4588 - ankle pump (Small)

Knees to chest

IMG_4594 - knee to chest (Small)


IMG_4612 - reaching (Small)

Seated Balance

Forward lean for sit to stand

IMG_4494 - forward leaning (Small)

Trunk rotation

IMG_4500 - trunk rotation (Small)

Throwing & catching a balloon

IMG_4508 - baloon (Small)


Reaching V (Small)

Seated Strengthening

Chest pull with resistive band

Chest pull with resistive band

Arm chair push

Arm chair push

Knee extension

Knee extension

Sit to stand

Sit to stand

Seated Flexibility

Forward Bend to floor

Forward Bend to floor

Shoulder circle

Shoulder circle

Side stretch (Side stretch and bend)

Side stretch and bend

Trunk rotation

Trunk rotation


Standing Balance

Single step forward and back

Single step fwd and back

Single step to side

Single step side


Supported stepping on spot

Supported stepping on spot


Standing Strengthening

Alternating heel to raise

Alternating heel to raise

Diagonal arm pull up with resistive band

Diagonal arm pull up with resistive band

Hip abduction

Hip abduction

Hip extension

Hip extension

Partial knee bend

Partial knee bend


Standing Flexibility

Lumbar extension

Lumbar extension



Scapular retraction

Scapular retraction

Supported gastroc stretch

Supported gastroc stretch

Supported soleus stretch

Supported soleus stretch

Trunk twist

Trunk twist

Stair walking

Obstacle course

Obstacle course

Picking up an object

Picking up an object

Step up

Step up

Supported stair climbing

Supported stair climbing

Walking with walker

Walking with walker