Duke Activity Status Index (DASI)
Patient-reported estimate of functional capacity, VO2 max and METs
The Duke Activity Status Index is a patient-reported estimate of functional capacity, maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max) and maximum metabolic equivalent of tasks (METs). The DASI questionnaire produces a score between 0 and 58.2 points, which is linearly correlated with a patient’s VO2 max and METs, as measured from cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET).
- Take care of self (e.g. eating, dressing, bathing, using the toilet)?
- Yes (+ 2.75)
- No (+ 0.0)
- Walk indoors (such as around your house)?
- Yes (+ 1.75)
- No (+ 0.0)
- Walk 1-2 blocks on level ground?
- Yes (+ 2.75)
- No (+ 0.0)
- Climb a flight of stairs or walk up a hill?
- Yes (+ 5.50)
- No (+ 0.0)
- Run a short distance?
- Yes (+ 8.00)
- No (+ 0.0)
- Do light work around the house (e.g. dusting, washing dishes)?
- Yes (+ 2.70)
- No (+ 0.0)
- Do moderate work around the house (e.g. vacuuming, sweeping floors carrying in groceries)?
- Yes (+ 3.50)
- No (+ 0.0)
- Do heavy work around the house (e.g. scrubbing floors, lifting or moving heavy furniture)?
- Yes (+ 8.00)
- No (+ 0.0)
- Do yard work (e.g. raking leaves, weeding, pushing a power mower)?
- Yes (+ 4.50)
- No (+ 0.0)
- Have sexual relations?
- Yes (+ 5.25)
- No (+ 0.0)
- Participate in moderate recreational activities (e.g. golf, bowling, dancing, double tennis, throwing a baseball or football)?
- Yes (+ 6.00)
- No (+ 0.0)
- Participate in strenuous sports (e.g. swimming, singles tennis, football, basketball, skiing)?
- Yes (+ 7.50)
- No (+ 0.0)
- DASI = Sum of questionnaire responses
- VO2 max (in mL/kg/min) = 0.43 x DASI + 9.6
- METs (in metabolic equivalents) = VO2 max / 3.5
Hlatky MA, Boineau RE, Higginbotham MB, Lee KL, Mark DB, Califf RM, et al.
Coutinho-Myrrha MA, Dias RC, Fernandes AA, et al.
Wijeysundera DN, Pearse RM, Shulman MA, et al.
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