HEART Score | Chest pain in the ER

Risk stratify patients with chest pain in the ER


Chest pain is one of the most common reasons for patients to present to the emergency department (ED). Decision making in these patients suspected of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is hampered by limited predictive power of individual patient characteristics. Early diagnosis and prognostication remains a challenge. Currently more than 80% of patients are admitted until a diagnosis of ACS can be safely excluded, with associated interventions and corresponding patient burden and costs in many low-risk patients. The HEART score is a simple score that can help the clinician to identify low- and high-risk patients, which is instrumental in establishing a more efficient use of health care resources and improving patient outcomes.


Backus BE, Six AJ, Kelder JC, Mast TP, Akker F van den, Mast G, Monnink HJ, Tooren RM, PAFM Doevendans.

Critical Pathways in Cardiology 2010, 9 (3): 164-9

Backus BE, Six AJ, Kelder JC, Bosschaert MA, Mast EG, Mosterd A, Veldkamp RF, Wardeh AJ, Tio R, Braam R, Monnink SH, van Tooren R, Mast TP, van den Akker F, Cramer MJ, Poldervaart JM, Hoes AW, Doevendans PA.

International Journal of Cardiology 2013 October 3, 168 (3): 2153-8

The HEART Score | Chest pain in the ER calculator is created by QxMD.

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