Postoperative Respiratory Failure Risk Calculator

Estimate risk of postoperative respiratory failure


This risk calculator provides a risk estimate of postoperative respiratory failure (PRF) for individual patients based on a model derived from a large sample of patients. This is intended to supplement the clinician's own judgment and should not be taken as absolute.

Postoperative respiratory failure (PRF) is considered as failure to wean from mechanical ventilation within 48 hours of surgery or unplanned intubation/reintubation postoperatively The validated risk calculator provides a risk estimate of PRF and is anticipated to aid in surgical decision-making and informed patient consent.


Gupta H, Gupta PK, Fang X, Miller WJ, Cemaj S, Forse RA, Morrow LE.

Chest 2011, 140 (5): 1207-1215

The Postoperative Respiratory Failure Risk Calculator calculator is created by QxMD.

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1. Procedure:

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