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A review of 60 consecutive fibula free flap mandible reconstructions.

Sixty consecutive fibula free flap mandible reconstructions were performed for oncologic defects. Patient age averaged 46.7 years. Eighty-one percent were primary reconstructions. Sixty-two percent were lateral defects; 22 percent were anterior; and the remainder had combined defects. The bone gap averaged 9.4 cm. A skin island was included with the fibula in 85 percent of patients but was actually needed in only 62 percent. Miniplate fixation was used in 96 percent. Templates derived from radiographic studies were used as an aid in shaping the fibula. Average anesthesia time was 14.54 hours; the transfusion requirement, 3 units; and hospitalization, 22 days. Fifty-nine flaps were successfully transferred. Ninety percent of skin islands raised were completely viable. Average postoperative interincisal opening was 35.2 mm. Osseointegrated implants were placed in 56 percent of suitable candidates, and all implants integrated into bone. Aesthetic results were usually good when the soft tissue defect was limited, but poor when it was extensive. Donor site morbidity was usually mild and transient. The most significant problem was delayed healing in patients closed with a skin graft. Postoperatively, all patients ambulated normally, and none used assist devices. Reoperation for donor site problems was rare. The fibula has many assets that together make it an ideal choice for the reconstruction of most mandible defects. The skin island is usually reliable if it is designed and raised properly. Donor site morbidity is largely inconsequential. The primary contraindication to the use of the fibula for mandible reconstruction is severe peripheral vascular disease.

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