Historical Article
Journal Article
Multicenter Study
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Retrospective Study of Infections with Corynebacterium diphtheriae Species Complex, French Guiana, 2016-2021.

Human infections with Corynebacterium diphtheriae species complex (CdSC) bacteria were rare in French Guiana until 2016, when the number of cases diagnosed increased. We conducted an epidemiologic, multicenter, retrospective study of all human CdSC infections diagnosed in French Guiana during January 1, 2016-December 31, 2021. A total of 64 infectious episodes were observed in 60 patients; 61 infections were caused by C. diphtheriae and 3 by C. ulcerans. Estimated incidence increased from 0.7 cases/100,000 population in 2016 to 7.7 cases/100,000 population in 2021. The mean patient age was 30.4 (+23.7) years, and male-to-female ratio was 1.7:1 (38/22). Of the 61 C. diphtheriae isolates, 5 tested positive for the diphtheria toxin gene, and all results were negative by Elek test; 95% (61/64) of cases were cutaneous, including the C. ulcerans cases. The increase in reported human infections underscores the need to raise awareness among frontline healthcare practitioners to improve prevention.

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