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Technological and health properties and main challenges in the production of vegetable beverages and dairy analogs.

Food & Function 2024 January 22
Lactose intolerance affects about 68-70% of the world population and bovine whey protein is associated with allergic reactions, especially in children. Furthermore, many people do not consume dairy-based foods due to the presence of cholesterol and ethical, philosophical and environmental factors, lifestyle choices, and social and religious beliefs. In this context, the market for beverages based on pulses, oilseeds, cereals, pseudocereals and seeds and products that mimic dairy foods showed a significant increase over the years. However, there are still many sensory, nutritional, and technological limitations regarding producing and consuming these products. Thus, to overcome these negative aspects, relatively simple technologies such as germination and fermentation, the addition of ingredients/nutrients and emerging technologies such as ultra-high pressure, pulsed electric field, microwave and ultrasound can be used to improve the product quality. Moreover, consuming plant-based beverages is linked to health benefits, including antioxidant properties and support in the prevention and treatment of disorders and common diseases like hypertension, diabetes, anxiety, and depression. Thus, vegetable-based beverages and their derivatives are viable alternatives and low-cost for replacing dairy foods in most cases.

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