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Much lower prevalence and severity of spine degenerative changes among older Chinese women than among older Caucasian women and its implication for the interpretation of lumbar spine BMD T-score for Chinese women.

Skeletal Radiology 2023 August 8
The prevalence and severity of spine degenerative changes have been noted to be lower among older Chinese women than among older Caucasian women. Spine degenerative changes associated with marginal osteophytosis, trabecular thickening, subchondral sclerosis, facet joint arthrosis, and disc space narrowing can all lead to artificially higher spine areal bone mineral density (BMD). The lower prevalence and severity of spine degeneration have important implications for the interpretation of spine areal BMD reading for Chinese women. With fewer contributions from spine degenerative changes, following natural aging, the declines of population group means of spine BMD and T-score are faster for Chinese women than for Caucasian women. While a cutpoint T-score ≤ -2.5 for defining spine densitometric osteoporosis is recommended for Caucasian women, for Chinese women the same cutpoint T-score of ≤ -2.5 inflates the estimated osteoporosis prevalence based on spine BMD measure. In addition to the use of an ethnicity-specific BMD reference database, a stricter cutpoint T-score for defining spine densitometric osteoporosis among older Chinese women should be applied.

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