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Neural tube defects: a review of global prevalence, causes, and primary prevention.

Neural tube defects (NTDs) are common birth defects and contribute to life-long disabilities, high medical care costs, and perinatal and child mortality. This review is a primer on prevalence, causes, and evidence-based prevention strategies for NTDs. The estimated average global prevalence of NTDs is two cases per 1000 births, amounting to approximately 214,000-322,000 affected pregnancies worldwide annually. Prevalence and associated adverse outcomes are disproportionately high in developing countries. NTDs have multiple risk factors including genetic and non-genetic (i.e., maternal nutritional status, pre-pregnancy diabetes, early pregnancy exposure to valproic acid (anti-epileptic medication), and a previous pregnancy affected by a NTD) factors. Maternal folate insufficiency before and during early pregnancy is the most common risk factor and is preventable. Folic acid (vitamin B9) is required for formation of the neural tube early in pregnancy, around 28 days after conception, when most women are unaware of their pregnancies. Current guidelines recommend that all women planning or capable of pregnancy take a daily supplement containing 400-800 μg of folic acid. Mandatory folic acid fortification of staple foods (e.g., wheat flour, maize flour, rice) is safe, economical, and the effective intervention for primary prevention of NTDs. Currently, about 60 countries are implementing mandatory folic acid fortification of staple foods, preventing just a quarter of all preventable NTD cases worldwide. There is an urgent need for active champions, including neurosurgeons and other healthcare providers, to generate political will and promote effective mandatory food fortification with folic acid, and reach equitable primary prevention of NTDs in all countries.

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