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Polymerase Chain Reaction-Based Malaria Diagnosis Can Be Increasingly Adopted during Current Phase of Malaria Elimination in India.

Despite commendable progress in the control of malaria in India and other countries, there are hidden reservoirs of parasites in human hosts that continually feed malaria transmission. Submicroscopic infections are known to be a significant proportion in low-endemic settings like India and these infections do possess transmission potential. Hence, these reservoirs of infection add to the existing roadblocks for malaria elimination. It is crucial that this submerged burden of malaria is detected and treated to curtail further transmission. The currently used diagnostic tools including the so-called "gold standard" of microscopy are incapable of detecting these submicroscopic infections and thus are suboptimal. It is an opportune time to usher in more sensitive molecular tools like polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for routine diagnosis at all levels of healthcare as an additional diagnostic tool in routine settings. Polymerase chain reaction assays have been developed into user-friendly formats for field diagnostics and are near point of care. In India, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, these are being used rampantly across the country. The facilities created for COVID-19 diagnosis can easily be co-opted and harnessed for malaria diagnosis to augment surveillance by the inclusion of molecular techniques like PCR in the routine national malaria control program.

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