Journal Article
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Postictal psychosis, a cause of secondary affective psychosis: A clinical description study of 77 patients.

OBJECTIVE: Postictal psychosis (PIP) is a severe complication occurring at least in 2% of patients with epilepsy. Since the 19th century, psychiatrists have reported the specificity of PIP presentation, but descriptions did not clearly distinguish PIP from after-seizure delirium. This study aimed to provide a precise description of psychiatric signs occurring during PIP, and improve recognition of PIP.

METHODS: We performed a review of clinical descriptions available in literature (48 patients), that we gathered with a retrospective multicentric case series of patients from three French epilepsy units (29 patients). For each patient, we collected retrospectively the psychiatric signs, and epilepsy features.

RESULTS: We found a high prevalence of persecutory (67.5%) and religious (55.8%) delusions, with almost systematic hallucinations (83.1%) and frequent mood disturbances (76.6%), especially euphoria. Severe consequences were not negligible (other-directed assault in 20.8%, self-directed in 13.0%). The type of delusion was associated with mood symptoms (p = 0.017). Episode onset was mainly sudden/rapid (90.9%), its duration was mostly between one and 14 days (64.9%) and the response to antipsychotic medication was good. Disorder was recurrent in more than a half of the sample (57.1% of patients with at least 2 episodes).

CONCLUSION: Considering our findings, PIP resembles more an affective psychosis, than a purely psychotic disorder. The presence of affective signs differentiates PIP from other psychotic comorbidities in epilepsy. Additionally, resemblance between PIP and psychotic manic episode might help to discuss links between epilepsy and bipolar disorder.

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