Journal Article
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Cryptosporidium spp. diagnosis and research in the 21 st century.

The protozoan parasite Cryptosporidium has emerged as a leading cause of diarrhoeal illness worldwide, posing a significant threat to young children and immunocompromised patients. While endemic in the vast majority of developing countries, Cryptosporidium also has the potential to cause waterborne epidemics and large scale outbreaks in both developing and developed nations. Anthroponontic and zoonotic transmission routes are well defined, with the ingestion of faecally contaminated food and water supplies a common source of infection. Microscopy, the current diagnostic mainstay, is considered by many to be suboptimal. This has prompted a shift towards alternative diagnostic techniques in the advent of the molecular era. Molecular methods, particularly PCR, are gaining traction in a diagnostic capacity over microscopy in the diagnosis of cryptosporidiosis, given the laborious and often tedious nature of the latter. Until now, developments in the field of Cryptosporidium detection and research have been somewhat hampered by the intractable nature of this parasite. However, recent advances in the field have taken the tentative first steps towards bringing Cryptosporidium research into the 21st century. Herein, we provide a review of these advances.

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