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Artificial intelligence predicts disk re-herniation following lumbar microdiscectomy: development of the "RAD" risk profile.

PURPOSE: Surgical treatment of herniated lumbar intervertebral disks is a common procedure worldwide. However, recurrent herniated nucleus pulposus (re-HNP) may develop, complicating outcomes and patient management. The purpose of this study was to utilize machine-learning (ML) analytics to predict lumbar re-HNP, whereby a personalized risk prediction can be developed as a clinical tool.

METHODS: A retrospective, single center study was conducted of 2630 consecutive patients that underwent lumbar microdiscectomy (mean follow-up: 22-months). Various preoperative patient pain/disability/functional profiles, imaging parameters, and anthropomorphic/demographic metrics were noted. An Extreme Gradient Boost (XGBoost) classifier was implemented to develop a predictive model identifying patients at risk for re-HNP. The model was exported to a web application software for clinical utility.

RESULTS: There were 1608 males and 1022 females, 114 of whom experienced re-HNP. Primary herniations were central (65.8%), paracentral (17.6%), and far lateral (17.1%). The XGBoost algorithm identified multiple re-HNP predictors and was incorporated into an open-access web application software, identifying patients at low or high risk for re-HNP. Preoperative VAS leg, disability, alignment parameters, elevated body mass index, symptom duration, and age were the strongest predictors.

CONCLUSIONS: Our predictive modeling via an ML approach of our large-scale cohort is the first study, to our knowledge, that has identified significant risk factors for the development of re-HNP after initial lumbar decompression. We developed the re-herniation after decompression (RAD) profile index that has been translated into an online screening tool to identify low-high risk patients for re-HNP. Additional validation is needed for potential global implementation.

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