Journal Article
Systematic Review
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Efficacy of cannabinoids against glioblastoma multiforme: A systematic review.

Phytomedicine 2021 July 15
INTRODUCTION: The increased incidence of Glioblastoma Multiforme, the most aggressive and most common primary brain tumour, is evident worldwide. Survival rates are reaching only 15 months due to its high recurrence and resistance to current combination therapies including oncotomy, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Light has been shed in the recent years on the anticancer properties of cannabinoids from Cannabis sativa.

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether cannabinoids alone or in combination with radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy inhibit tumour progression, induce cancer cell death, inhibit metastasis and invasiveness and the mechanisms that underlie these actions.

METHOD: PubMed and Web of Science were used for a systemic search to find studies on the anticancer effects of natural cannabinoids on glioma cancer cells in vitro and/or in vivo.

RESULTS: A total of 302 papers were identified, of which 14 studies were found to fit the inclusion criteria. 5 studies were conducted in vitro, 2 in vivo and 7 were both in vivo and in vitro. 3 studies examined the efficacy of CBD, THC and TMZ, 1 study examined CBD and radiation, 2 studies examined efficacy of THC only and 3 studies examined the efficacy of CBD only. 1 study examined the efficacy of CBD, THC and radiotherapy, 2 studies examined the combination of CBD and THC and 2 more studies examined the efficacy of CBD and TMZ.

CONCLUSION: The evidence in this systematic review leads to the conclusion that cannabinoids possess anticancer potencies against glioma cells, however this effect varies with the combinations and dosages used. Studies so far were conducted on cells in culture and on mice as well as a small number of studies that were conducted on humans. Hence in order to have more accurate results, higher quality studies mainly including human clinical trials with larger sample sizes are necessitated urgently for GBM treatment.

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