Comparative Study
Journal Article
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Simultaneous integrated boost with helical arc radiotherapy of total skin (HEARTS) to treat cutaneous manifestations of advanced, therapy-refractory cutaneous lymphoma and leukemia - dosimetry comparison of different regimens and clinical application.

Radiation Oncology 2019 January 28
BACKGROUND: Helical irradiation of the total skin (HITS) was modified as simultaneous integrated boost (SIB)-helical arc radiotherapy of total skin (HEARTS) technique and applied to an acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patient with disseminated leukemia cutis.

METHODS: The original HITS plan was revised for different regimens, i.e. HEARTS, low-dose HEARTS and SIB-HEARTS. The uniformity index (UI), conformity index (CI), and dose of organs at risk (OARs) were used to evaluate the plans. Additionally, the SIB-HEART (21/15 Gy) was delivered to the total skin and chloromas.

RESULTS: No significant differences were observed for the CI and UI between HITS and HEARTS regimens. Compared with HITS, the reduced mean doses to various bone marrows ranged from 17 to 88%. The mean OARs doses for the head, chest and abdomen of a patient with AML treated with SIB-HEARTS (21/15 Gy) were 2.1 to 21.9 Gy, 1.8 to 7.8 Gy and 1.7 to 3.3 Gy, respectively. No severe adverse effects were noted except for grade 4 leukocytopenia and thrombocytopenia.

CONCLUSION: HEARTS and different regimens reduced the dose to OARs and bone marrow while maintaining the uniformity and conformity. SIB-HEARTS deliveries different doses to the total skin and enlarged tumors simultaneously.

TRIAL REGISTRATION: Retrospectively registered and approved by the Institutional Review Board of our hospital ( FEMH-106151-C ).

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