Journal Article
Systematic Review
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Novel Treatment for Premature Ejaculation in the Light of Currently Used Therapies: A Review.

INTRODUCTION: Besides erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation (PE) is the most frequent male sexual disorder and shows a high level of bother and distress. The negative consequences of long-term and unsuccessfully treated PE on both patient and partner are well established in the literature and include personal distress, impairment of the partner's sexual function, and interpersonal difficulties.

AIM: To outline the consequences of untreated PE and the advantages and disadvantages of currently available treatment options with a special focus on a new topical eutectic lidocaine/prilocaine metered dose spray (Fortacin; Lidocaine/Prilocaine, Recordati, Milan, Italy) which represents the second officially approved drug in this indication.

METHODS: Narrative overview of the literature synthesizing the findings of literature retrieved from searches of computerized databases such as Web of Science, Medline, PubMed, and Google Scholar, hand searches, and authoritative texts. Combinations of keywords including premature ejaculation, ejaculatory control, intravaginal ejaculation latency time, IELT, PE, PDE5 inhibitors (PDE5i), SSRIs, topical anesthetics, lidocaine, prilocaine, and treatment were used. In the end, 59 studies published between 2000 and 2018 were considered relevant for this review.

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Published studies on PE-related negative psychosocial outcomes, as well as advantages and disadvantages of currently available off-label and officially approved treatment options.

RESULTS: Although a variety of treatment options for PE have shown marked improvements in stopwatch-measured intravaginal ejaculation latency time (IELT) and patient-reported outcomes as assessed by the Premature Ejaculation Profile (PEP), none of the investigated drugs has reached market approval. The only so far officially approved medication-dapoxetine-is characterized by high discontinuation rates of up to 90%, mostly because of high side effects, cost issues, efficacy below expectations, and the need for scheduling sexual intercourse.

CONCLUSION: With the official approval in Europe the new dose-metered lidocaine-prilocaine spray (Fortacin) may become a real first-line therapy option for PE and may offer a satisfactory and affordable solution, especially because of its unique galenic preparation, making its handling easy and customer friendly. In addition, it has the potential to significantly increase the currently low patients' acceptance of available monotherapies and become an established second-line therapy for the severe PE patients with IELTs <1 to 2 minutes or with ante-portal ejaculation in combination with oral therapy. Porst H, Burri A. Novel treatment for premature ejaculation in the light of currently used therapies: A review. Sex Med Rev 2019; 7:129-140.

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