Case Reports
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Treatment of Sweet's syndrome in pregnancy.

Pregnancy-associated Sweet's syndrome is a rare occurrence (2%), with good prognosis, spontaneous resolution after delivery, and not increased infant morbidity and mortality. However, differential diagnosis is not easy for physician not familiar with skin lesions. Systemic involvement, even though unusual, might occur in nearly every organ of the body, including pericardium, myocardium, and placenta, as well as one report of early fetal miscarriage, questioning the possibility of risks underestimation. We present two further cases, one occurred in a 31-year-old woman at 26 weeks of gestation and the other on a 26-year-old woman at 24 weeks of gestation, primigravidae. Both presented with tender papules and nodules on their face and upper body parts. Laboratory examinations and skin biopsy histology were pathognomonic. Monitoring of general maternal and fetal conditions showed no signs of sufferance, but the decision to accelerate skin symptoms release, being time to delivery quite distant, challenge the treatment options. There are no recommended treatments for Sweet syndrome and the choice is very limited during pregnancy. A short course of oral steroids was very effective, with lesions healing in few days, no relapses or fetal complications. When pregnant patients exhibit fever, neutrophilia, arthralgia or myalgia, and tender erythematous plaques or nodules, Sweet syndrome should be considered. The trained dermatologist is in the leading position to address the differential diagnosis, reassure the patient, and avoid complications, even if they are rare.

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