Journal Article
Multicenter Study
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The German ROP Registry: data from 90 infants treated for retinopathy of prematurity.

Acta Ophthalmologica 2016 December
PURPOSE: The German retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) Registry collects data on treated ROP in a multicentre approach to analyse epidemiology and treatment patterns of severe ROP.

METHODS: Nine centres entered data from 90 treated ROP infants (born between January 2011 and December 2013) into a central database. Analysis included incidence rate of severe ROP, demographic data, stage of ROP, treatment patterns, recurrence rates, relevant comorbidities and ophthalmological or systemic complications associated with treatment.

RESULTS: Treatment rate for ROP was 3.2% of the screened population. The most frequent ROP stage at time of treatment was zone II, stage 3 +  (137 eyes). Treatment was bilateral in 97% of infants. Treatment patterns changed over time from 7% anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) monotherapy in 2011 to 32% in 2014. Overall, laser treatment was the predominant treatment. However, all infants with zone I disease received anti-VEGF treatment. About 19% of infants required retreatment (16% of laser-treated and 21% of anti-VEGF treated infants). Mean time between first and second treatment was 3.8 weeks (± 11 days) for laser-treated and 10.4 weeks (± 60 days) for anti-VEGF-treated infants.

CONCLUSION: This study is the first multicentre analysis of severe ROP in Germany. The identified treatment patterns find laser as the most prevalent form of therapy, with an increasing use of anti-VEGF therapy over recent years. Recurrence rates were relatively high overall with slightly higher recurrence rates and later recurrence times in the anti-VEGF group. Anti-VEGF was predominantly used for high-risk stages like AP-ROP and zone I disease.

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