Comparative Study
Journal Article
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Diagnosis of liver cirrhosis with US: receiver-operating characteristic analysis of multidimensional caudate lobe indexes.

Radiology 1989 May
To assess the utility of changes in the volume of the caudate lobe in the sonographic diagnosis of liver cirrhosis, the authors studied 58 patients with histologically proved cirrhosis, 18 patients with fatty liver, 28 patients with liver metastases, seven patients with lymphomatous liver involvement, and 75 healthy individuals. The longitudinal (CL), transverse (CT), and anteroposterior (CAP) diameters of the caudate lobe and the transverse diameter of the right lobe (RL) were measured, and one-, two-, and three-dimensional caudate lobe indexes and ratios were calculated. The analysis of the diagnostic performance of these criteria, compared by means of receiver-operating characteristic curves, revealed that the ratio of the three-dimensional caudate index (CI3) to the right lobe diameter (CI3/RL = [CL X CT X CAP]/RL) was superior to all other calculated criteria. At a specificity of 95%, the sensitivity of CI3/RL was 94.7%, compared with 73.3% for CT/RL. No significant differences were found between the control group and patients with fatty liver, metastases, or lymphomatous involvement. The study suggests that CI3/RL is the most reliable quantitative criterion for the US diagnosis of liver cirrhosis.

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