Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
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Tinea capitis in schoolchildren in a rural area in southern Ethiopia.

OBJECTIVES: Skin diseases, especially tinea capitis, represent some of the most frequent causes of morbidity in developing countries. The aim of this study was to examine the prevalences of fungal infections in schoolchildren in a primary school located in a rural area in southern Ethiopia and to perform an analysis of the risk factors associated with tinea capitis.

METHODS: This school-based, prospective cross-sectional study was conducted in October 2012 in Gambo School, Kore, West Arsi, Oromya Region, Ethiopia. Detailed interviews and dermatological examinations were performed. No laboratory examinations were conducted.

RESULTS: A total of 647 students were interviewed and examined. The mean age of these children was 10 years (range: 4-14 years). Of the children examined, 236 had some type of dermatophytosis (prevalence: 36.5%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 32.8-40.3), which represented the most frequent type of skin problem. The prevalence of dermatophytoses was more common in males than in females (42.2% and 30.5%, respectively; P = 0.002), and among pupils aged 5-7 years (46.9%; P < 0.001). A total of 159 (prevalence: 24.6%, 95% CI 21.3-28.1) children had tinea capitis, 56 (8.7%) had tinea pedis, 50 (7.7%) had tinea corporis, and six (0.9%) had tinea unguium. In multivariate analysis, the risk factors for tinea capitis were: age (odds ratio [OR] 0.75, 95% CI 0.69-0.84; P < 0.001), and male gender (OR 2.56, 95% CI 1.69-13.39; P = 0.002).

CONCLUSIONS: Fungal dermatoses, especially tinea capitis, are common in primary schoolchildren in rural areas of southern Ethiopia, especially in young boys.

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