Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
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Long-term functional outcome of patients with cerebellar pilocytic astrocytoma surgically treated in childhood.

UNLABELLED: Abstract Purpose: A number of studies report neurological and cognitive deficits and behavioural disorders in children after surgical treatment for a benign cerebellar tumour. The present study explores functional outcome in adolescents and adults treated for a low-grade cerebellar astrocytoma in childhood.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Participants were 18 adolescents and 46 adults treated for low-grade astrocytoma in childhood. Academic achievement, professional status and neurological, cognitive and behavioural disturbances were collected using self-completed and parental questionnaires for adolescents and phone interview for adults. For the adolescent group, a control group filled in the same questionnaires.

RESULTS: Mean time lapse from surgery was 7.8 years for adolescents and 12.9 years for adults. Five adults (11%) had major sequelae related to post-operative complications, post-operative mutism and/or brain stem involvement. All the other participants presented close-to-normal academic achievement and normal autonomy, despite a high rate of reported cognitive difficulties and difficulties related to mild neurological sequelae (fine motor skills, balance).

CONCLUSION: The long-term functional outcome of low-grade cerebellar astrocytoma is generally favourable, in the absence of post-operative complications and brain stem involvement. No major impact of neurological deficits, cognitive problems and emotional disorders on academic achievement and independent functioning was observed.

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