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Medical complication in adults with spina bifida.

SETTING: Cohort study.

INTRODUCTION: Spina bifida (SB) is a congenital malformation affecting the central nervous system (CNS) and is one of the most prevalent CNS disorders in children. Hydrocephalus (HC) is present in 80% of newborns with SB. The aim of the present study was to analyze the medical complications and to relate the complications to age at examination, the level of injury, AIS grade and presence of HC in adults with SB.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: SB patients were recruited from the Spinalis out-patient clinic at the Karolinska University Hospital at their annual follow-up. The patients underwent a thorough general and neurological examination and background data including medical complications were retrieved from the medical files.

RESULTS: 127 of 157 (82%) SB patients (114 with MMC and 13 SB occulta) with a mean age of 34 years were included. Half of the patients had a complete SCI and a lumbar level was most common. Nearly 60% of the patients had HC. 88 patients (69%) suffered from at least one medical complication. Urinary tract infection (UTI), scoliosis and pain were the most common complications found in 46%, 30% and 28% of the patients, respectively. Less common complications were epilepsy, pressure ulcers (PU) and spasticity.

DISCUSSION: SB gives a disability including motor, sensory dysfunctions and the patients suffer from a high frequency of medical complications like UTI, scoliosis, pain, and epilepsy. Data gives basis for adequate routines for medical examination at the follow-up.

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