Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
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Tardive dyskinesia and DRD3, HTR2A and HTR2C gene polymorphisms in Russian psychiatric inpatients from Siberia.

BACKGROUND: Pharmacogenetics of tardive dyskinesia and dopamine D3 (DRD3), serotonin 2A (HTR2A), and 2C (HTR2C) receptors has been examined in various populations, but not in Russians.

PURPOSE: To investigate the association between orofaciolingual (TDof) and limb-truncal dyskinesias (TDlt) and Ser9Gly (DRD3), -1438G>A (HTR2A), and Cys23Ser (HTR2C) polymorphisms in Russian psychiatric inpatients from Tomsk, Siberia.

METHODS: In total, 146 subjects were included. Standard protocols were applied for genotyping. TDof and TDlt were assessed with AIMS items 1-4 and 5-7, respectively. Two-part model, logistic and log-normal regression analyses were applied to assess different variables (e.g., allele-carriership status, age, gender, and medication use).

RESULTS: TDlt, but not TDof, exhibited an association with Ser9Gly and Cys23Ser (with 9Gly and 23Ser alleles exhibiting opposite effects). However, -1438G>A was not associated with TDof and Dlt.

CONCLUSIONS: This is the first pharmacogenetic report on tardive dyskinesia in Russians. Subject to further replication, our findings extend and support the available data.

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