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Course of oral lichen planus: a retrospective study of 808 northern Italian patients.

Oral Diseases 2009 April
OBJECTIVES: To undertake a retrospective inspection of the general features, clinical presentation and outcome of 808 Italian patients with oral lichen planus (OLP), followed up from 6 months to 17 years.

RESULTS: The mean age was 61 years for women (n = 493) and 58 years for men (n = 315). More than 20% of the total cases had liver abnormalities (n = 164) of which 83.5% infected with hepatitis C virus (n = 137). The reticular and plaque form were the predominant type, affecting almost 60% of patients. 12.3% of patients had also extraoral manifestation, taking into account the skin (n = 63) and genital (n = 24). Symptoms were present in 40% of the total patients. Only less than 2.47% of patients underwent remission, whereas 78% still had oral lesions at the end of the follow-up period. Treatment was directed towards almost 42% of the patients, mainly using topical corticosteroids. Oral squamous cell carcinoma developed in 15 patients, commonly arising on the lateral border of the tongue.

CONCLUSION: This is one of the largest groups of OLP patients with such long a follow-up ever reported. We confirm the chronic nature of this disorder, rarely remissive and the treatment intend for alleviating symptoms. OLP is established to be a disease with small frequency of malignant transformation.

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