Evaluation Study
Journal Article
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Outcome of pterygium surgery: analysis over 14 years.

Eye 2005 November
AIM: To report the outcome of pterygium surgery performed at a tertiary eye care centre in South India.

METHODS: Retrospective analysis of medical records of 920 patients (989 eyes) with primary and recurrent pterygia operated between January 1988 and December 2001. The demographic variables, surgical technique (bare sclera, primary closure, amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT), conjunctival autograft (CAG), conjunctival-limbal autograft (CLAG), or surgical adjuvants), recurrences and postoperative complications were analysed.

RESULTS: A total of 496 (53.9%) were male and 69 (7.5%) had bilateral pterygia. Bare sclera technique was performed in 267 (27.0%) eyes, primary conjunctival closure in 32 (3.2%), AMG in 123 (12.4%), CAG in 429 (43.4%), and CLAG in 70 (7.1%). Adjuvant mitomycin C was used in 44 (4.4%) cases. The mean duration of follow-up was 8.9+/-17.0 and 5.9+/-8.8 months for unilateral primary and recurrent pterygia, respectively. The overall recurrence rate was 178 (18.0%). Following primary and recurrent unilateral pterygium excision respectively, recurrences were noted in 46 (19.4%) and 1 (33.3%) eyes after bare sclera technique, five (16.7%) and 0 after primary closure, 28 (26.7%) and 0 with AMG, 42 (12.2%) and five (31.3%) with CAG, and nine (17.3%) and two (40%) with CLAG. Recurrences were significantly more in males with primary (23.3 vs 10.7%, P<0.0001) and recurrent (26.7 vs 0%, P=0.034) pterygia, and in those below 40 years (25.2 vs 14.8%, P=0.003).

CONCLUSION: CAG appears to be an effective modality for primary and recurrent pterygia. Males and patients below 40 years face greater risk of recurrence. Bare sclera technique has an unacceptably high recurrence. Prospective studies comparing CAG, CLAG, and AMG for primary and recurrent pterygia are needed.

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