Comparative Study
Journal Article
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Familial adenomatous polyposis: results following ileal pouch-anal anastomosis and ileorectostomy.

To compare the clinical and functional results of ileorectostomy (IR) and ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (IPAA) in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), we reviewed the results of 94 IPAA patients and 21 IR patients who were operated upon between 1978 and 1988. The groups were similar with respect to age and sex. None of the patients died postoperatively. Postoperative complications occurred in 28 percent of the IPAA group and in 17 percent of the IR group (P greater than 0.1). Seven percent of IPAA patients described symptoms compatible with pouchitis. Sixty-one percent of IR patients required subsequent fulguration of rectal polyps at least once. IR patients had a mean (+/- SD) of 4 (+/- 2) stools per day, while IPAA patients had 5 (+/- 2) stools per day (P greater than 0.05). No significant difference in daytime soiling was present between IR (6 percent) and IPAA (4 percent). Nighttime spotting was also similar between the two groups. Nighttime soiling, however, was reported by 4 percent of IPAA patients but not by IR patients (P less than 0.05). One IPAA patient (1 percent) required pouch excision for a desmoid tumor, while two IR patients (11 percent) required proctectomy and ileostomy for recurrent dysplastic polyps (P less than 0.05). Adhesions and a shortened ileal mesentery prevented the construction of an ileoanal procedure in these latter patients. In conclusion, the postoperative complication rate and functional results are similar after IR and IPAA in patients with FAP; however, IR does not eradicate rectal polyps and may indeed preclude IPAA for those requiring subsequent proctectomy.

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