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Bladder calculi in augmentation cystoplasty in children.

Urology 2000 September 1
OBJECTIVES: To determine the best preventive strategies for bladder calculi in children with an augmented bladder, the risk factors and prevention strategies for urolithiasis were evaluated.

METHODS: The records of 89 patients following augmentation cystoplasty were reviewed to assess the results of augmentation cystoplasties and in particular the formation and prevention of calculi.

RESULTS: The median follow-up was 4.9 years after augmentation. Most patients (71) had an ileocystoplasty. Bladder calculi occurred in 14 of the 89 patients (16%) and recurred in 4 patients. Girls had a higher incidence of urolithiasis. Other risk factors were cloacal malformations, vaginal reconstructions, anal atresia, clean intermittent catheterization problems and retention, bladder neck surgery, and symptomatic urinary tract infections.

CONCLUSIONS: Subgroups with cloacal malformations, vaginal reconstructions, ureter reimplantation, and bladder neck surgery were identified that have an increased risk for stone formation and therefore warrant special care in the follow-up after augmentation. This care should include clear emphasis on the role of treating symptomatic urinary tract infections, especially in patients with cloacal malformations and vaginal reconstructions. Girls have a higher incidence of bladder calculi than boys.

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