Case Reports
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Successful transcutaneous arterial embolization of a giant hemangioma associated with high-output cardiac failure and Kasabach-Merritt syndrome in a neonate: a case report.

We describe the case of a patient with a neonatal giant cutaneous hemangioma with high-output cardiac failure and Kasabach-Merritt syndrome and successfully treated with transcutaneous arterial embolization aimed at controlling severe congestive heart failure and consumption coagulopathy. A patient was admitted to the neonatal care unit on the first day of age because of a large hemangioma on his right lateral chest wall and respiratory distress, associated with cardiac failure resulting from arteriovenous shunting. On the second day of age the platelet count decreased to 5.7 x 10(4)/microliter and fibrinogen level was 85 mg/dl. The values of prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time were prolonged. Intravenous predonisone therapy was started immediately, but bleeding tendency was getting worse and the evidence of congestive heart failure persisted. On the third day the patient then underwent embolization of feeding arteries with microcoils. The cardiac failure and thrombocytopenic coagulopathy had improved significantly without complications. We conclude that transcutaneous arterial embolization is an effective and safe treatment in this neonate and should be considered for the treatment of control high-output cardiac failure and coagulopathy in infants with hemangioma and Kasabach-Merritt syndrome.

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