Clinical Trial
Comparative Study
Journal Article
Randomized Controlled Trial
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Biobrane versus 1% silver sulfadiazine in second-degree pediatric burns.

Partial-thickness burns in children have been treated for many years by daily, painful tubbing, washing, and cleansing of the burn wound, followed by topical application of antimicrobial creams. Pain and impaired wound healing are the main problems. We hypothesized that the treatment of second-degree burns with Biobrane is superior to topical treatment. Twenty pediatric patients were prospectively randomized in two groups to compare the efficacy of Biobrane versus 1% silver sulfadiazine. The rest of the routine clinical protocols were followed in both groups. Demographic data, wound healing time, length of hospital stay, pain assessments and pain medication requirements, and infection were analyzed and compared. Main outcome measures included pain, pain medication requirements, wound healing time, length of hospital stay, and infection. The application of Biobrane to partial-thickness burns proved to be superior to the topical treatment. Patients included in the biosynthetic temporary cover group presented with less pain and required less pain medication. Length of hospital stay and wound healing time were also significantly shorter in the Biobrane group. None of the patients in either group presented with wound infection or needed skin autografting. In conclusion, the treatment of partial-thickness burns with Biobrane is superior to topical therapy with 1% silver sulfadiazine. Pain, pain medication requirements, wound healing time, and length of hospital stay are significantly reduced.

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