Sexual Desire Inventory-2 (SDI-2)

14-item scale for sexual desire


The Sexual Desire Inventory- 2 (SDI-2) was created by Spector, Carey and Steinberg in order to develop a measure that quantified sexual desire in cognitive terms as opposed to previous measures that used predominantly behavioural methods in 1996. The SDI-2 is a brief 14-item scale, based on the original scale, that aims to measure the multidimensional construct of sexual desire in a dyadic context.

The items were selected using theoretical models of desire, and diagnostic criteria used in the DSM-III-R for Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD), and clinical experience in assessing and treating sexual desire disorders. The items were presented initially to sexology researchers and clinicians. Since then it has been widely used to assess sexual desire in men and women throughout the world. This questionnaire has been studied and shows validity and reliability, yet even with its wide clinical use it has a limited number of studies with psychometric properties that would make it usable for screening, or diagnosis.


Spector IP, Carey MP, Steinberg L.

J Sex Marital Ther. 1996;22(3):175-90.

Moyano N, Vallejo-medina P, Sierra JC.

J Sex Res. 2017;54(1):105-116.

The Sexual Desire Inventory-2 (SDI-2) calculator is created by QxMD.

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1. During this last month, how often would you have liked to engage in sexual activity with a partner (for example, touching each other’s genitals, giving or receiving oral stimulation, intercourse, etc.)?

0/13 completed