GARFIELD-AF Risk Calculator
Compare the effects of different anticoagulant treatment decisions in atrial fibrillation
The GARFIELD-AF risk calculator was designed to help clinicians assess the future risk of mortality, ischaemic stroke and major bleeding (including haemorrhagic stroke), as a guide to using anticoagulants in patients with a new diagnosis of atrial fibrillation (AF).
It simultaneously provides the risks for up to 24 months of:
- Mortality
- Ischaemic Stroke or Systemic Embolism
- Major Bleeding Incl. Haemorrhagic Stroke
It allows clinicians to compare the effects of different anticoagulant treatment decisions – no oral anticoagulation (no OAC), vitamin K antagonist (VKA), non-vitamin K oral anticoagulant (NOAC) – based on the results from similar patients in the GARFIELD-AF Registry.
It uses routinely collected clinical data and includes a total of 16 questions.
It has been derived from the GARFIELD-AF population and externally validated.
You can find a version of the GARFIELD-AF risk calculator with further features at this link:
Fox KAA, Lucas JE, Pieper KS, Bassand J-P, Camm AJ, Fitzmaurice DA, Goldhaber SZ, Goto S, Haas S, Hacke W, Kayani G, Oto A, Mantovani LG, Misselwitz F, Piccini JP, Turpie AGG, Verheugt FWA, Kakkar AK.
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