Ranson's Criteria

Estimate mortality in patients with pancreatitis.


Ranson's criteria is one of the first scoring systems used to assess prognosis in acute pancreatitis. It consists of 11 parameters,5 assessed at admission and 6 more during the next 48 hours

The criteria are well known and of historical interest, though a meta-analysis of 110 studies found the Ranson score to be a poor predictor of severity and performed no better than clinical judgement.


Ranson JHC, Rifkind KM, Roses DF et al.

American Journal of Gastroenterology 1974, 61 (6): 443-51

Bernardinis M, Violi V, Roncoroni L, Boselli AS, Giunta A, Peracchia A.

Critical Care Medicine 1999, 27 (10): 2272-83

The Ranson's Criteria calculator is created by QxMD.

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1. Age? (Measured at Admission)

0/11 completed