Pediatric Strep Score


Many predictive rules have been developed to guide the management of suspected Group A Strep Pharyngitis. However, none of the rules have 100% Sensitivities and thus the Strep Score should only be used as a tool to assist in determining which children may require throat swabs. The Infectious Diseases Society of America recommendation remains that if Group A Streptococcus is suspected, that laboratory tests (Rapid Antigen Detection Testing or throat Culture) be used to support the diagnosis.


Wald et al.

Pediatric Emergency Care 1998, 14 (2): 109-11

Bisno AL et al.

Clinical Infectious Diseases 2002 July 15, 35 (2): 113-25

2003 BC Government Sore Throat Guidelines at

The Pediatric Strep Score calculator is created by QxMD.

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1. Febrile?

0/6 completed